by Joe Woyjeck | Oct 30, 2020 | 1969 Ambulance |
This ambulance came with bucket seats. The same seats that came in a Chevy Blazer. The passenger seat folded forward because that was how you would get in the back seat of the Blazer. The driver seat did not fold forward. We do not know if these seats ever came in a...
by Museum Team | Oct 29, 2020 | 1969 Ambulance
More sneak peeks at the restoration...
by Museum Team | Oct 28, 2020 | 1969 Ambulance
10/24/20 Randolph Mantooth/Johnny Gage Our great friend and supporter Randolph Mantooth tells a great story about the ambulance that we are restoring here at the LA County Fire museum. Like us, Randolph is passionate about preserving the history of the L A County Fire...
by Museum Team | Oct 28, 2020 | 1969 Ambulance
10/19/20 EMERGENCY! Ambulance is now a...
by Museum Team | Oct 28, 2020 | 1969 Ambulance
10/16/20 We are having trouble getting the screws out of the fiberglass pop top because of corrosion. He have tried drilling out the screw heads with some success. We also found that if we grind the paint off of the screw we can weld a nut to the head of the screw and...